By Chris Ivan Lebrudo
IFH: March 05, 2023
"Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ." (1 Corinthians 12:12 NIV). This verse reminds me of unity through using our spiritual gifts. How we are united as the body of Christ when we serve our purpose. There should be no division in the body of Christ. We should strive to use our spiritual gifts to cultivate unity in the body of Christ, for we are one.
I really like the analogy Pastor String said in his sermon. It was the analogy of the gears in a watch. In a watch, there are many gears that work together to tell us the time. What do you think happens when a gear s stops working?
Well, the entire system will be broken.
When we put this into perspective, you realize how interconnected the body of Christ is. When we don't put in the effort to cultivate unity in the body, we'll simply become a broken watch that can't serve its purpose.
So I truly pray that we, the body of Christ, will strive to use our spiritual gifts to cultivate unity. To not become the broken watch that can't serve its purpose. But to be the watch that will be functional at serving the purpose God has given us.