Abby Cheng 

2 Corinthians 5 talks about the “heavenly bodies” that God promises believers will receive at the end of the age, when Jesus comes again to earth to make all things new. These bodies will be free of blemish and will never get sick or deteriorate. How exciting it is to imagine a renewed world where there is no more pain, disease, or death!  

Have you ever thought about what Jesus did to ensure that believers would experience future glorification, though? He did the polar opposite of glorification and instead humbled Himself so drastically that He became a human. What's more, He actually took on flesh and became a human baby! It's honestly unthinkable that the Creator of the universe, the One who is eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, and all-powerful, lowered Himself to the point of becoming a literal newborn, helpless and fully dependent on others to survive. I've tried before to think of analogies to describe what Jesus went through when He took on flesh, but none of them could come close to capturing the magnitude of Jesus's emptying of Himself on Christmas Day. 

This Christmas, let's remember Jesus's incredible sacrifice, first on His human birthday when He came to earth as a baby, up to His death on the cross on Good Friday when He took on all our sin to ensure our eternal life and future glorification. To God be all the glory! 

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