By: Cheryl Zamora
In the Book of Revelation, God promises to renew and restore all of creation. This signifies our ultimate hope and assurance that God is making all things new, bringing about a new heaven and a new earth where suffering, pain, and death are no more. God's ultimate plan to unite everything in heaven and on earth is under the authority of Christ. It reflects the grand vision of divine reconciliation and harmony, where all creation is brought together in Christ. This message of renewal and transformation is central to our Christian hope of a future where God's perfect and eternal kingdom is fully realized. Furthermore, this unity is a central theme in what we Christians believe in, emphasizing the hope and promise of a restored creation aligned with God's perfect will.
So, we’re praising the glory of God’s grace and Jesus, the one who bought it, performed it and through his body extends it. Everything is about Christ. He will be preeminent and exalted in the end, praise the Lord!
You look around our world today with all the stuff – painful stuff, mankind collapsing it seems, the wars around the world and the suffering, and you say, “What is this all about?” This is what it is all about. Revelation 21:5 (NIV) states: "He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."