By: Abby Cheng
In our society, holding grudges seems to be the norm and is even encouraged or celebrated. How many movies are there where the main plotline is someone exacting revenge on the murderer(s) of their loved ones? Taken and John Wick are the two that come to mind right away, both of which are multimillion-dollar blockbusters with multiple movies in the series (how many times must Liam Neeson’s family members be taken before we’re satisfied??). Ask the users on Reddit a question about your relationship (e.g. Am I the A**hole for being mad that my husband forgot our anniversary?) and the most common piece of advice is “Call a Divorce Lawyer Right Now!!!”
Humans’ propensity for unforgiveness just makes the Lord’s grace and mercy even more astounding. It’s hard to believe that “if we confess our sins, [God] is faithful and just to forgive us” (1 John 1:9), not when the default of human nature is to hold grudges and harbor resentment when someone hurts us. The habit of hiding our iniquities and shortcomings in order to protect ourselves from someone’s anger is a tough one to break, even when it comes to God. Many Christians can recite 1 John 1:9 but it’s as if the head knowledge has not yet translated into heart belief.
In the end, only God Himself can open our hearts to truly accept His promise of forgiveness. What a joy it is to be secure in His steadfast word, free to live in the light of His love no matter what we have done in our past.