By Norma Rosette
IFH: November 26, 2023
After Confession and Absolution, there is another process that comes immediately after the forgiveness of our sins, our Restoration. Many do not get the experience of complete freedom because after absolution they know they have been freed from the punishment of their sins and they are already good eternally with God. They do not know or they refuse to enter the next freedom phase, the Restoration.
Absolution is freedom from sins while Restoration is freedom to a life of purpose. God the judge declares our innocence and He fully restored us into a right relationship with Him. Our lives as redeemed from sins are restored to good purpose on earth. God’s restored people bear fruit in every good work and increase in the knowledge of God. (Col.1:9-12). We are empowered to walk in obedience and live in harmony with others.
The cross of Jesus loudly declares that “we are not valued by the mess that we made, but the price that was paid“. Jesus not only paid the highest cost for you and me, deeming us to be valuable to Him. Jesus is the master restorer of human lives. He does not just put things back to its original condition but He brings them back to something more beautiful, effective and glorious. Jesus says there will be great cost to follow Him, but the cost of not fully following Jesus is far greater.
God’s ultimate desire is the full restoration of this world. God has created us in His image and if He is the Master Restorer, we are His mini-restorers in this world because we are made in God’s image. When Jesus prays in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven”, we get to be a part of bringing heaven to earth in some ways.
Jesus called Peter to not only receive the declaration of forgiveness, given at the cross. It is also an in invitation to move forward into the call that Jesus had previously placed in his life. Just as Jesus stepped on Peter’s boat, He steps into our boat. He knows what kind of mess we are having but He knows what we will become in the future. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago”. He wrote our stories before we even existed. He is giving you and I the invitation He also gave to Peter “FOLLOW ME”.