By Pastor Immanuel Garcera
Palm Sunday, a week before Jesus' crucifixion. Jesus enters Jerusalem and He is welcomed by the people with shouts of joy, praise, and recognition that He is their Saviour. This day, oftentimes, is a reminder to us to once again be willing to follow and welcome Christ into our hearts and minds. The irony is that seven days later, many of the same people who welcomed Jesus into the city shouting "hosanna, hosanna" would later scream "crucify him, crucify him!”.
We might be quick to judge people of the old times for being so quick to do 180s, but we are more like them than we think. How often do we forget Christ, our Lord, and Saviour throughout the week? During our days at work, in school, or when we have free time? Don't get me wrong, I'm guilty of this – we all are. Our flesh makes it easy to forget about Christ. The Bible says this: "And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil." (John 3:19) This is why we have to make reading God's Word, praying, and fellowship a priority and a habit. We have to integrate the things of God into our systems, daily. In our natural state, our tendencies are toward evil, yet, praise is to God that by the Holy Spirit we are being transformed.
Church, let us not be a people that shout "hosanna" on Sunday and forsakes the name of the Lord on Monday. Let us lean into our Counselor whom Christ has given us – the Holy Spirit, through whom we are being changed from glory to glory. My hope and prayer is that we will continue to live our lives through Christ and in turn, impact others to trust and follow Him.
To God be the glory! Happy Palm Sunday everyone.