Abby Cheng
One of the songs we're singing this Sunday is called “Reckless Love” by Cory Asbury. It's a beautiful song that speaks about God's undeserved, relentless love for His people. However, it is also controversial because of the singer's use of the word “reckless” when describing the Lord. According to the Oxford dictionary, someone who is reckless does something without thinking or caring about the consequences of their action(s). Synonyms include “adventurous” and “daring” but also “rash” and “foolhardy.” In an interview with Relevant Magazine, Cory Asbury discussed his intention behind the use of the word “reckless”:
“... We’re going; “I’m completely against you” and He’s saying: “I don’t care. I’m coming after your heart and am gonna show you what love looks like on a cross, arms wide open, bleeding in this place of vulnerability and pain.” And He goes, no, it doesn’t matter what it takes. It doesn’t matter the cost. That while we were yet sinners. The reckless love of God.”
My personal opinion on the matter is that while I understand his reasoning for his word choice, I don't agree with it due to the negative connotation of the word reckless. To me, reckless better describes the love of Jacob for Rachel in the book of Genesis. He chose to work for Laban for seven years in order to marry Rachel (the reason being that she was pretty) and then rashly agreed to seven more after Laban tricked him into sleeping with Leah instead. To describe God as unthinkingly doing anything of the sort is just inaccurate. His plan of salvation and redemption began before the world was ever made (Eph 1:4). He knew exactly what it would cost to save us but went ahead not because He did not care that His Son Jesus would have to sacrifice Himself, but because His love for His people was that great. The CEAC worship team sees this, which is why we change the word reckless to “perfect” when we sing this song on Sundays.
This Valentine season, I hope we can all dwell on and rest in the immeasurable, unthinkable, perfect love of God.