To glorify God… become His [Christ’s] healthy followers…

Cheryl Zamora

Have you been coming to CEAC for a while now? Then, let me draw your attention to the two phrases of our mission statement, specifically, the “healthy followers” bit. Or, even if you’ve just joined us recently and you understand what CEAC is trying to do in this city and beyond, consider this.

Healthy followers: Let me tell you what they’re not: pew sitters. If you’re a healthy follower of Jesus, you just can’t remain seated on your bottom end. If your life has been touched by Jesus, you can’t help but tell others and get involved.

God has given CEAC good people with various gifts. Some are excellent administrators and organizers. We have musicians, singer, teachers, etc. Some glorify God with their artistic flare. Numerous others worked quietly behind the scenes. The Lord notices. He remembers those whose hearts sincerely desire to please Him.

The challenge is upon us to continue to build connection with people in our church and more so with those who are new comers. That’s why we’re encouraging every toddler, boy, girl, teen, young adult, people in their prime years whether in college or pursuing a career, adults and even the seniors – to reach out to someone and to basically show that you care.

We desire not just to be "friendly" but become "friends." You may ask me, what's the difference between "friendly" and "friends"? Go to a restaurant and what makes a restaurant 'good' is not just the food, but the fact that you get a friendly service. The people who serve you may be friendly, but you would hardly consider them your friends.  At CEAC, we don't just want to become a "friendly" church. We want to go beyond the surface. We want to go deeper in our acquaintances and become friends that stick closer than a brother or sister, in the context of our relationship with Jesus Christ. It is humbling just to be a part of God’s family. May the Lord be pleased to place His hand upon us and use us to reach more people for Christ.

I sure want to be on the right side of what Jesus taught: “…I was a stranger and you invited me in.” There’s more to that passage: “I was shivering and you gave me clothes. I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty and you gave me a drink. I was sick and you stopped to visit…” (see Matthew 25:35, The Message). Sometimes, the most effective way to experience God is to do what He says.

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