By Abby Zamora-Cheng
"At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak."
Colossians 4:3-4 ESV
A Prayer for the Workers in the Field
I pray for those whom you have called out into the field, the missionaries that You have sent all over the world to share Your gospel with those who have never heard of You before. I thank You for their lives and for their obedience to Your call. I pray that You sustain them in all their needs, whether they be physical, emotional, mental, or financial. Please help them to persevere even as the enemy attacks them from every direction. I echo Paul's request for prayer to the Colossians, that You open up doors for the missionaries to declare Your word and that the seeds they plant take root in the hearts of many. I pray that they teach Your word clearly and accurately, and that the truth of Your gospel take hold of those whom they are reaching out to. Please reassure the workers that even if it takes years, You are working in and through them to reach those whom You have chosen to be Your people. I pray that the people they are ministering to see Your son Jesus so clearly in their lives.
I pray for many more workers to be sent out to all the unreached people groups in the world. I pray that every church in the world makes missions a top priority and that resources are used wisely to send out and support international workers. Give us a sense of urgency in our goal to share the gospel and make disciples in Your name.
I pray that you help us Christians get rid of the notion that the only people meant to share the gospel are pastors and missionaries. You have commanded each one of us to be a witness of Your love and mercy to the people around us and so I pray that you use us all wherever we are right now. Help us to be a blessing to those around us who don't know You yet, and also to our pastors and missionaries through prayer, love, and generous giving.
Lord, may Your name be proclaimed in every corner of the earth and Your wonders shouted from every rooftop.