Peace is a very elusive thing in our time of day. Peace is something people worldwide long for -- to be freed from war, stress; we seek it both externally and within ourselves. Especially in a time of civil unrest, government corruption, and persecution, peace is longed for. Especially in the time of Jesus, these things were prevalent for the people os Israel in their day. Now imagine, you could order peace like a package, but instead of the amazon guaranteed shipping of 2 days -- you didn’t know when was coming, but did you know it was coming.

I imagine this is what it was like for the Israelites as they waited for Jesus their messiah. They knew God’s promised deliverer was coming, but they didn’t know when. To make things more desperate, God became silent, with no judges, no prophets for about 400 years. If you think about it, before Jesus came that night He was born -- the world had no lasting hope, no lasting peace, no way to be forgiven of their sin. That had to weigh of their souls! It’s no wonder that the angel’s message on Christ’s day of birth was:

“Glory to God in the highest heaven,

              and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.” (Luke 2:14)

Without Jesus, there would be no peace available to had between men and God. See, Jesus already had peace with God the Father, they are one after all in perfect communion. But Jesus let that very intimate relationship tested, He became poor, set His power and privilege aside for our sake when He came to earth.

I hope and pray that this Christmas, we would be able to reflect on what it took our Triune God to bring us peace on earth. The peace we didn’t earn or deserve, but something given to us freely like a gift out His unconditional love. Peace on earth and peace everlasting.

To God be the glory!
Pastor Immanuel Garcera

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