October 7, 2018 - Inscriptions From The Heart
October 7, 2018
Cheryl Zamora
As our church turns 29, may we continue to mature by becoming more Christ-like in our character and priorities. Jesus did not say or do anything unless it came from His Father. May everything we say and do come after consulting with our heavenly Father, just as Jesus did. Since God cares so much for the underdogs, the disadvantaged or marginalized people, the poor, the sick, the needy, the hungry, the prisoner and the stranger – may the Lord find us serving the same people Jesus cared so much about. May our church be a fine example of what a church should be – nurturing God’s people inside our doors and keeping our hearts, pockets and facility open to welcome everyone. Press on CEAC! I claim Philippians 1:6 “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
With very little effort researching the internet for the history of Canadian Thanksgiving and why ours is earlier than the American one (late November), you may be interested to learn the following:
• Martin Frobisher, a British explorer, celebrated the very first ever Thanksgiving in the North American continent when he landed in Newfoundland (1578).
• The Canadian Thanksgiving celebration predates the American Thanksgiving 43 years earlier before the pilgrims landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
• It became a national holiday in 1879 usually celebrated late October or early November. But after the world wars, Remembrance Day (Nov. 11) and Thanksgiving usually fell on the same day which prompted the Canadian Parliament to make the next change.
• In 1957, Parliament designated the second Monday of October as the Canadian Thanksgiving, which is what we’re celebrating this weekend (tomorrow Monday). Here’s the government’s official proclamation of the reason for this holiday celebration: “Thanksgiving would be a day of general thanksgiving to the Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed.” However, the Canadian and American holidays are no longer restricted to harvest activities, and have become a day for gathering family to give thanks for their general well-being. (Canadian Encyclopedia)
My purpose is to give us a bit of history of what has become a Canadian tradition called Thanksgiving. But history and tradition tend to lose their meaning the farther removed we are from 1879 and 1957. Frobisher was just relieved to set his feet on solid ground. The North Atlantic Ocean is one harsh body of water. Try riding on a wooden ship, no motor, no GPS and just linen for sails. The Members of Parliament wanted our nation to give thanks to God for the bountiful harvest every year.
So while you, your family and friends enjoy a turkey meal, start sharing at least one reason for which you are thankful. While you’re at it, why not reserve an extra plate or two or three or more for folks whose loved ones are far away. The Psalmist says (68:6 NLT), “God places the lonely in families…” Make your thanksgiving more meaningful, be an answer to that prayer by inviting more people who would otherwise be celebrating alone, in addition to your family and friends – make yours a bigger circle!!!
May the Lord grant that we may celebrate more church anniversaries and Thanksgiving weekends and bring more people to Christ in the years to come.