September 30, 2018 - Inscriptions From The Heart

September 30, 2018
Pastor Immanuel Garcera

Divine Healing

Lacking can be painful. With a lack of food, your stomach may grumble. With a lack of love, you may get lonely and it can leave your heart aching. If you lack help in times of pain and need you may grow cold in your hurting. One of my former youth, while growing up, he/she lacked a normal life. Because of certain health conditions, their life was difficult and filled with challenges. He/she always had to be careful and always mindful. Their life verse was this: (found in Corinthians 12:7-10)

Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Sometimes we have "thorns in the flesh" that remain. We might pray and pray, but these thorns remain. When we talk about divine healing, what happens when it doesn't come right away? What happens if it doesn't come at all in this life? Church, we have a God that holds us in His hands and His grace alone is sufficient for us. For in our weakness He is strong. Everything else is a blessing and a luxury for even if we live or die, it will be for Christ and in death, and we will be with Christ, all for His glory and His praise.

We might lack and ask for something we do not yet have, such as healing, but what we already have as children of God is plenty; we have God's grace. Despite what we lack, God's grace is sufficient for us in this life and the next. He is the one who sustains us in this life when we are broken and weak so His power may be shown. He also is the one who gave us salvation through His son, by grace for His glory and praise. Friends, rather than lacking, with God's grace, we have more than enough.

To God be the glory!

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