August 26, 2018 - Inscriptions From The Heart

August 26, 2018
Pastor Immanuel Garcera

Being Led: Walking in God’s Will

Probably one of the most discussed topics in Christian circles is seeking, knowing, and following God’s will. This is a very good thing since that is what, as Christ followers, we should be doing. Being in the ministry for a few years, you can really tell when you, as a person were led by the Spirit or by your own means. What sets each course apart I found was in my preparation.  A practice I’ve come to repeat over and over again in my life and ministry is this prayer: to surrender myself to Christ, ask Him to take the lead for I am not my own but His. This act of surrender, I found, was the difference between man led events or God led, Holy Spirit filled events in my life.

This lifelong prayer stems from two verses:
Romans 12:1-2

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

Please excuse me for using myself as an example in this instance. Because with that said, this practice of prayer has made me centered on God and His will for my life, time and time again, in the beginning of each season in my life, before a major event, even right before I prepare to share a message or even as I’m preparing one. But as much as I’ve surrendered myself to the transformative nature of the Holy Spirit and have come to know and experience God’s will, I’ve also come to take this reality for granted. And as much as I’ve desired not only to surrender and cease entertaining the flesh, but also to submit to the leading of Christ and thus honour God – I’ve also neglected this desire at times (Lord, please forgive me). In these instances of taking for granted what we know is true and neglecting the effects of surrendering, I know I’m not alone. Church, a reason why I believe one of the most discussed topics in Christian circles is “seeking, knowing, and following God’s will” is because we’re not necessarily good at it.  

We live in a body that is fallen and broken, bent to do the will of the flesh while the Holy Spirit works within us to transform us slowly (but surely in His time) to the likeness of the one who sent Him. This will be a struggle. But friends, what we can cling on to is the effectiveness of surrender, the promise of what results when we follow God’s lead; the outcome of honouring God with our bodies rather than dishonouring him. This is something we need to cling on to with the power of the Holy Spirit, each and every day. I hope and pray that we will all strive to surrender to God’s leading, knowing nothing but good will come out of it.  

To God be the glory forever and ever! 


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