By Jovit Abad

IFH: November 12, 2023

If you ever watch the news, you may have seen an accused person flanked by lawyers, police and, photographers. The accused would be in handcuffs and the head covered by a coat hiding the face. This is to keep the reputation intact, to cover the shame and guilt being carried, even if innocence is still presumed.

We, Christians on the other hand deliberately confess our shortcomings.  Because we have a God who loves and forgives, we never suffer the severity of punishment we deserve.  Jesus Christ took it all to the cross. Therefore, there is no conviction and we are free to go!  Pardoned and paid in full.  However, we must not ignore the harsh penalty Jesus took in our behalf, the punishment due to us.  What an amazing God!

Our present way of life is to confess because we continue to sin. Yet God cleanses us over and over again. Confession is good for our souls.  It is the second step in walking with God, acknowledging sin being the first.  How can we say to ourselves we are walking with the Lord if we nurture and cuddle our sins and not confess? We have to be in that dark place of remorse, acknowledging the bondage of sin.  Let us look up to God.

We may not succeed in the complete removal and destruction of sin in our life as written by Zach Zender in the Forgiving Challenge book. But God is always waiting for us to come back. His grace love and mercy offer us forgiveness which breaks the bondage of sin.

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