By Pastor Immanuel Garcera

Hunger and Thirst

Have you ever been so hungry or thirsty that anything would have done the job of satisfying your craving? But have you been so hungry and thirsty for something specific that nothing else would satisfy you except for that one thing? As a foodie (someone who loves food) and an emotional eater (bad coping mechanism I know), I get these specific cravings once in a while where nothing else would satisfy, usually for pho -- and I would pay whatever money, go anywhere, and find any time I had just to be satisfied.

In a similar sense, those who hunger and thirst -- not just for anything, but specifically for righteousness as our passage talks about, it is these people being blessed by the Lord. They are the people who seek God's righteousness, His approval, and what is approved by God in their lives, in the world. Awaiting God's righteousness, in the future to overcome the evil in the world, are we desperate for this?

Does this describe us as individuals and as people of the church? Hungry and thirsty for righteousness? Are we longing to be declared righteous by the Lord, for His righteousness to win and to prevail? By what we do in our everyday lives, can we claim to be people desperate for God's approval and to see what is approved by God?

Church, let's be desperate to see God's righteousness here on earth in our lives as we wait for it to come in the future. Let nothing else satisfy.

To God be the glory!

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