By Doug Bennyson

Hope does not disappoint!?

Is this statement true? Sometimes, I have a hard time believing this statement. As many times I get disheartened when things don’t come to pass. And questions like, “But how did this happen? I believed in it? Invested my time in reading the word of God! Prayed every day! Did everything what God asked me to do! And it still did not come to pass.” Most of the times we think about these things and these are honest questions. The “why” is a word that is surfaced the most in situations that don’t happen according to our way.

Honestly, I wish I had an answer to these questions. The truth is I don’t. The truth is none of us do I guess. All of our journeys are different. All of experiences are different. More than being called different they are unique. Only God knows and understands us because He has made us that way. I have realized through my life (at least so far) that life is a journey of God making us understand and realize that He is working within us so that we do not get utterly lost in our demise. For some this can take hours, for some this can take days and for some it can take a while. All I can say is that God is faithful. God is patient. He is kind and walks with us as we battle through these questions. Even when the eyes don’t see the results and fruits of our labor in trusting Him, He still is working on us.

Philippians 1:6 is a good reminder of this. It goes onto say, “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

Does the past haunt us? Of course it will! But this is what the word of the Living God says to us

Do not call to mind the former things,

Or ponder things of the past.

“Behold, I will do something new,

Now it will spring forth;

Will you not be aware of it?

I will even make a roadway in the wilderness,

Rivers in the desert.

  • Isaiah 43: 18 - 19

When we think about where we stand right now we can’t by any means say it is by our own doings or our own religiosity. The last two years have been devastating. We have seen so much pain, suffering and death in our lifetime. Is God working? Yes, He is! How can I say this? Take a look in the mirror. The very thought of you breathing right now is because God allowed it. Meaning He is not done with you yet.

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