By Cheryl Zamora


1.    You tell everybody else in the world something that troubles you or makes you happy, but you realize you have not even told God yet?

2.    You start giving another person the cold shoulder on the basis of second hand information and you did not even bother getting "the other side of the story" from the one you are already maltreating?

3.    You notice a person's bad habit of say, eating and sedentary lifestyle, but you fail to notice the spare tire around your waist?

4.    You impatiently share your knowledge with someone who has less but you don't even remember the last time you read a book or learned a new thing.

5.    You can't take criticism, period. Does not matter whether it is fair or worse, if it is unfair.

6.    You're nice to everybody else except people in your house who thinks you're mean!

7.    You can't bring yourself to be cordial to someone who makes your blood boil.

In case you're thinking I'm just hopping on my soapbox to start preaching, let me tell you that I've caught myself doing all of the above. Guilty!

Here's the point. We need to aim at something so we can improve ourselves.

1.    Be quiet in God's presence daily: pray and listen.

2.    Read God's Word daily; study & meditate on it. Never lose your curiosity.

3.    Speak the truth in love. Everything else is a cheap shot.

4.    Just do it. Eat well. Exercise (ouch)!

5.    Listen to your critics; you'll be surprised how much better you can be. It's called, "teachable attitude".

6.    Go out of your way to be kind to your family.

7.    Grace - live it as a verb!

Try any of these. You may not only look better but also start feeling good about yourself.

Once you start doing any or all of these, you're well on your way to fulfilling your New Year resolutions without ever realizing you made a list.

You stand a better chance at succeeding at these when you admit you'll fail on your own and lean on God desperately for help.


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