IFH: Putting on the Virtues of Christ                                                                        February 9, 2020

Pastor Immanuel Garcera

Growing up in the church pretty much my whole life has led me, in the past to build up a sense of rebellion towards the church. When I was a youth, even as a servant-leader, being sheltered in the church for so long led to a longing to experience what I haven’t yet; the things of the world had to offer. All my non-Christian friends always mentioned enjoying and raving about the parties, the alcohol, the girls. Thankfully, I found no joy in alcohol, or even had a remote interest in recreational drugs (thank you Lord), and I didn’t start dating until I was 18, but the temptation for me was in the realm of driving.

Driving at the age of 17, I found the freedom of being able to go anywhere in the city at anytime intoxicating. Driving fast and recklessly gave me a high like no other – a thrill I cannot describe. To everyone else in the car with me, they’re fearing for their lives while I’m on cloud 9. The pleasure of driving was enough to blind me of my convictions and obligations to my Lord. Thankfully, one close call, and one friend getting suspended gave me enough of a shock to practice Christ-like driving (with patience, kindness, and humility) early-ish into my life as a regularly driving young-adult.

Living out the Gospel and striving for Christlikeness in this world, especially in our day and age can be the hardest task of a Christian. We are constantly tempted by our flesh to be swayed, to compromise, and to overlook aspects of our faith and Biblical standards set upon us by God and His word. What must compel us is God’s mercy and grace. Colossians 3 tell us that “as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” (Col 3:12) and to “let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts… and whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Col 3:15; 17a) The reason we strive for Christlikeness, the reason we follow His Word is because of Christ’s goodness to us, for His glory.

I tell you the truth, dear reader, there are things in our lives that can cause us to be blind to our convictions and obligations to God. I encourage you to ask the Lord, in prayer, to reveal if there is any such thing in your life. Let us not go on living, blinded to our heavenly duty to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. In seeking His kingdom come, rest assured, there is no greater joy.

To God be the glory!

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