February 24, 2019 - Inscriptions From The Heart
February 24, 2019
Paul Doug Bennyson
Let Go...Let God!
Sometimes I look back at my life and I often end up asking God the question that involves the tag “Back in the day Lord decisions about letting go were easy to take but now why are some decisions so hard to take? I keep second guessing almost every decision I take in my life.”
I realized I started to grip and hold onto things and have been in a constant battle with myself in letting go. When I was fresh into my relationship with God it was easy to say I am letting go of a certain aspect of my life because I know He is in control. Now, it’s hard to say those words. And sometimes I pause and ask myself “What has changed?” Lately I have been struggling a lot to let go. Because I want things right now! It’s the curse of the fast generation we live in at the moment.
What does it take to let go? To trust God and surrender to His will? Knowing that the thoughts and plans He has for us is far more than what we can ever hope or imagine. All God requires of us is an act of surrender to use us mightily in His hands. As we look through the Word of God we see that one of the most overarching responses God wishes from us is humility, obedience and surrender. And these three qualities require an act of faith to let go. This was displayed by most of the juggernauts of faith in Hebrews 11.
Hebrews 11:13 reads, “All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.” Wow! I wonder what made these people of faith make such an outrageous commitment. I tried to wrap my head around it and the only word that came into my mind was surrender. So I started moving in this tangent of forcibly surrendering myself. And guess what!? I wish I said it worked but truth is I failed miserably! I was frustrated with myself and started questioning, “God what am I doing wrong?” and then the Holy Spirit gently reminded me of this scripture in Psalms 143:10 which says, “Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.” What did this mean to me? Even the strength to surrender comes from God above through the power of the Holy Spirit. There is absolutely nothing I can take credit for. All I can do is leave my life completely to God not trying to make sense of it all by trying to define everything. And in this space of surrender I found peace that God has not only got it all but He’s got me too.
If you are reading this today and you have had a restless heart like mine, I want to assure you and pray with you that you are not alone in this battle. Ask God to give you the strength to surrender and I promise to you He will come through. God cares about you more than you can care about yourself. He has a plan and a purpose for you and I, even though it’s hard for us to see it in the dark times. Brothers and sisters let go and let God!