Today, we remember and celebrate mothers for their significant roles, devotions and sacrifices.
Let me share with you a story about Monica. Monica was a Christian and was given in marriage to a prominent man (Patricius) who was an unbeliever. Her husband besides being unfaithful also beat her from time to time. But through these all, Monica endured with perseverance and patience believing in her heart that by her ways she will win over her husband to Christ. Monica also fervently and unceasingly prayed for her husband that he would come to know Christ and accept Him as his Lord and Saviour. And that was what exactly happened. Her husband became a Christian though only towards the end of his life.
But the story does not end there. Monica’s son put her through more pain than she could ever imagine. Her son lived a pleasurable and evil life, living with a woman not his wife and having an illegitimate son. He rejected Monica’s Christian teachings and mocked the ways of the Lord. But Monica never gave up and dared not say, “Never!” She endured giving her son an excellent education with the hope that this may convince him to Christianity. Most of all, she was determined to pray that her son would turn to God. And it happened as well. Monica’s son Augustine became one of the greatest preachers of all time.
“Monica could not have known that her prayers and devotion would affect not only the life of her son but also the course of history. Her concern was that her son believes ‘the truth which is in Jesus.’ This devotion to the spiritual welfare of her son is why Monica is regarded as the model for all Christian mothers. Like Susanna Wesley (mother of John & Charles Wesley, founders of worldwide Methodism), her zeal for the salvation of her son had an impact far beyond anything she could have imagined.” (Chuck Colson)
Please allow me to close with the following lines that I have written before … Hail to our moms! Chocolates, flowers, dinners and gifts are simple starting points of showing our appreciation to her. A minute or so of a private heartfelt prayer and a brief written note of why she is special to you will add life to this ever-tough human spirit called mother. Better yet, say, “I love you Mom!” Forget your silly thoughts that it sounds too corny, or that you’re too self-conscious or you are not the expressive type. It would be better to do it now than wait for who knows how long if or when you get reunited in the next.
Today, we remember and celebrate mothers for their significant roles, devotions and sacrifices.
Let me share with you a story about Monica. Monica was a Christian and was given in marriage to a prominent man (Patricius) who was an unbeliever. Her husband besides being unfaithful also beat her from time to time. But through these all, Monica endured with perseverance and patience believing in her heart that by her ways she will win over her husband to Christ. Monica also fervently and unceasingly prayed for her husband that he would come to know Christ and accept Him as his Lord and Saviour. And that was what exactly happened. Her husband became a Christian though only towards the end of his life.
But the story does not end there. Monica’s son put her through more pain than she could ever imagine. Her son lived a pleasurable and evil life, living with a woman not his wife and having an illegitimate son. He rejected Monica’s Christian teachings and mocked the ways of the Lord. But Monica never gave up and dared not say, “Never!” She endured giving her son an excellent education with the hope that this may convince him to Christianity. Most of all, she was determined to pray that her son would turn to God. And it happened as well. Monica’s son Augustine became one of the greatest preachers of all time.
“Monica could not have known that her prayers and devotion would affect not only the life of her son but also the course of history. Her concern was that her son believes ‘the truth which is in Jesus.’ This devotion to the spiritual welfare of her son is why Monica is regarded as the model for all Christian mothers. Like Susanna Wesley (mother of John & Charles Wesley, founders of worldwide Methodism), her zeal for the salvation of her son had an impact far beyond anything she could have imagined.” (Chuck Colson)
Please allow me to close with the following lines that I have written before … Hail to our moms! Chocolates, flowers, dinners and gifts are simple starting points of showing our appreciation to her. A minute or so of a private heartfelt prayer and a brief written note of why she is special to you will add life to this ever-tough human spirit called mother. Better yet, say, “I love you Mom!” Forget your silly thoughts that it sounds too corny, or that you’re too self-conscious or you are not the expressive type. It would be better to do it now than wait for who knows how long if or when you get reunited in the next.
- Cheryl Zamora