December 2, 2018 - Inscriptions From The Heart

December 2, 2018
Cheryl Zamora


Snow on the ground and freezing temperatures complete the sights and sounds of Christmas. Notice the tinsel-decorated shops, the carols on the radio or the festive lights as we drive around the city, and you get the magical feeling that we have just entered in the most wonderful time of the year.

Above all the trappings of the season, Christmas reminds us of the very roots of God’s Kingdom coming to earth for the first time; Jesus’ birth. Christmas tells us that God came near to mankind through Jesus Christ. Now what should be our response?

Because of this fact, humans like you and I can … draw near to Him. We can respond by making room for Jesus in our hearts, by magnifying Him in our lives and by making Him known. Instead of the routine of eating and other activities during this holiday season, let us feast on God through Scripture reflection, prayer and worship. This way, we draw near to Him.

On another note, we can ill-afford to keep to ourselves the joy and peace Christ’s coming brings. Our joy is made perfect when we share it with others. We can make our homes and CEAC such that our love for Jesus and for one another may draw people to desire to experience the love and forgiveness of God through Christ. God forbid that we pattern ourselves and what we do according to the world’s ways or be concerned about looking good in the court of human opinions but we may always incline our ears to hear God’s voice.

Let us seek God first and the righteousness of His kingdom in all situations for all seasons. May we be so lost in His love that others may be attracted to God and His love displayed among us. May His presence and glory always remain in CEAC and multiply its ministries and partnerships for the sake of His name, advancing His Kingdom purposes to the praise of His glory.

Like Mary, God is calling us to surrender completely to Him. “Not my will but Your will be done.” If we are willing, God’s kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven!

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