Adult Sunday School classes are convened before the Sunday worship service from 9:10-10:15 a.m. Class topics range from prayer and early Church history to Christian parenting. The classes are informal, conversational, educational, and enjoyable.
Children’s Church exists to glorify God through life-changing Biblical teaching toward Christ-likeness. Children not only get to play and do crafts, but they also get to know Jesus.
Children ages 5-12 are welcome to attend Children’s Church immediately after the Prayer for the Children until the end of the service. Children are welcomed into one of 3 classes according to age and must be signed in (prior to entry) and out (following the service) by their parent or guardian.
For younger children, the church nursery (with a live feed of the worship service) and a nursing room in the church foyer are also available. Unlike the Children’s Church, these areas are not supervised.
Every Saturday at 10:15 AM we gather in the church basement and have a time of prayer and intercession, followed by a prayer walk around the Forest Heights neighborhood if weather permits. Join us as we pray together for our church, neighborhood, country, and the world!
A long-standing pillar of the ministry of CEAC, Night of Worship and Prayer (NOWP) is held every third Wednesday of the month from 7:00 pm till 9:00 pm. Expect a time of worship through singing, personal reflection, exhortation from the Word, and a time of prayer for each other, our community, and the world.
For anyone seeking a quiet space to pray, the church prayer room is also available to anyone during church office hours (Tuesdays through Fridays, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM).