Adult Sunday School classes are convened before the Sunday worship service from 9:10-10:15 a.m. Class topics range from prayer and early Church history to Christian parenting. The classes are informal, conversational, educational, and enjoyable.
Children’s Church exists to glorify God through life-changing Biblical teaching toward Christ-likeness. Children not only get to play and do crafts, but they also get to know Jesus.
Children ages 5-12 are welcome to attend Children’s Church immediately after the Prayer for the Children until the end of the service. Children are welcomed into one of 3 classes according to age and must be signed in (prior to entry) and out (following the service) by their parent or guardian.
For younger children, the church nursery (with a live feed of the worship service) and a nursing room in the church foyer are also available. Unlike the Children’s Church, these areas are not supervised.
Join us on Zoom every Wednesday at 7 PM (except the third Wednesday of the month which is the monthly Night of Prayer and Worship) as we gather together to pray through the weekly prayer list compiled by our Prayer Ministry leaders.
Click here for the ZOOM meeting link!
Meeting ID: 821 4458 8377
Passcode: 797124
A long-standing pillar of the ministry of CEAC, Night of Worship and Prayer (NOWP) is held every third Wednesday of the month from 7:00 pm till 9:00 pm. Expect a time of worship through singing, personal reflection, exhortation from the Word, and a time of prayer for each other, our community, and the world.